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Online Home Learning
Christ's College Remote Education Plan January 2021 (updated 2023) here
For any concerns of a safeguarding nature, please contact the Safeguarding Team immediately at DSL@christscollege.surrey.sch.uk (also the College out of hours contact - see our Safeguarding page here )
In the event that students are required to take part in home learning, the following online protocols will apply:
The following expectations are in place for all virtual Google Meet lessons:
• The student timetable will run as normal with current timings;
• Virtual teaching will take place as whole class groups: there will be no one-to-one sessions;
• Teachers will be mindful of the needs of all the students and be flexible in their teaching style;
• Teaching Assistants will continue to support students as directed by the SENDCO.
• All students will be expected to attend, on time, with a register taken;
• Attendance will be carefully monitored and our attendance policy followed;
• Tutor time will follow the usual year group timetable, as directed by the Year Group Progress Leader.
• There will be 30 minutes of interactive teaching at the start of each lesson, after which students will complete tasks set by the teacher, via Google Classroom or subject specific app;
• After the initial interactive section, the Google Meet session will continue for the duration of the timetabled lesson. Students will complete the tasks set, with both staff and students muted. During this time, students may ask for support from the teacher through the chat function, which may in turn lead to a verbal discussion;
• Students will still be set homework as usual;
• Staff and students will wear appropriate clothing, as should anyone else present in the household;
• Computers and/or mobile devices should be used in an appropriate location with, where possible, a neutral background;
• All students must enter the Google Meet lesson with their camera and microphone switched off: settings should only be changed following teacher instructions;
• The language used throughout will meet the usual College expectations: professional and appropriate;
• Teachers and students will communicate with each other during the Google Meet lesson: should another member of the household wish to communicate with a member of staff, they should do so by following the usual home-school communication channels;
• Teachers will continue to follow the school’s reward policy by awarding house points for meeting our core values;
• Students will be expected to follow our behaviour policy. Failing to address any poor behaviour choices after a friendly warning and C1, the student may be removed from the session by the teacher. This would be akin to receiving a C2. Behaviour incidents will be reported to the Progress Leader;
• Significant disruption, rudeness, or inappropriate conduct will result in the student being removed immediately from the session. The matter will be reported to and followed up by a member of the senior leadership team;
• Any student or member of staff alarmed or concerned by any online session (either for content, breach of this policy, or other worry) should immediately contact the Vice Principal;
• All virtual teaching using Google Meet will be recorded by the teacher leading the lesson, to ensure the safety of all students and staff;
• All recordings of these live sessions are protected under GDPR and stored on appropriate UK servers. They exist only for safeguarding purposes and not for further broadcast or transmission if students are included in the video recording. For example, a recorded session of a teacher demonstrating an example where no students are included would be acceptable for later use;
• Christ’s College manages the overall permissions and settings in G suite, and will disable certain features for the adequate safeguarding of students.