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- Chaplaincy
The Chaplaincy Team at Christ’s College are a vital part of fulfilling the College’s Christian ethos expressed through its core values of Love, Cooperation, Stewardship, Respect and Service built on the foundation of the Christian faith.
The chaplaincy team contribute significantly to the life, worship and pastoral care of the whole of Christ’s College community, providing support for both students and staff. The team consists of the College Chaplain together with Youth Workers from local churches. It leads on input in Collective Worship as well as providing friendship clubs, detached youth work, Youth Alpha, Christian Union, special events weeks, including an annual prayer week and an annual retreat day for each year group off site. These are all made available to every student at the College.
Students and families from the College community are at the centre of all it does. The Chapel is at the heart of our buildings and it is open to everyone whatever their beliefs. We are privileged to have our own purpose-built chapel, which is rare. It is here that many of the chaplaincy activities take place.
The Chaplaincy Team find it a privilege to offer support, comfort, prayer and a listening ear to all in our College community.
Parents Prayer Group
This group usually meets in the Chapel on the third Tuesday of every month. These Prayer and Worship evenings are from 7.30pm till 9pm. It is run by the parents and supported by the Chaplain. For more details contact Jackie Turner elvijack@ntlworld.com .
The dates for 2024/25 are to be arranged:
Chaplaincy Team
Oli Deeks
Our Youth Catalyst Hub Leader is Oli Deeks who joined us in January 2024 and works alongside Rev Sarah. The Youth Catalyst Project is an exciting venture (£3.2 million investment!) from the Guildford Diocese, which seeks to enhance youth ministry across the Diocese aiming to deepen discipleship, encourage worship and develop pathways for young people to find out more about Jesus. YPC aims to do this by working in four Secondary Schools, organise termly worship gatherings, recruit trainee youth leaders, engage in social media and partner with local Churches.
Dr Andrea Zschaler
Dr Zschaler is the Subject Leader of Religious Education at Christ’s College. Apart from her responsibility to lead the Department of Religious Education, she is also working alongside the Chaplaincy team to make the Christian values of Christ's College visible throughout the curriculum but also extra-curricular events like school trips and acts of worship. As a member of the teaching staff with several years of experience in the classroom, Dr Zschaler strives to bring together the work of the Chaplaincy team with the academic life of the College.
Collective Worship
- Collective Worship (often known as an assembly) is part of students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
- Assemblies are an important part of our school community life, so we hope that all students participate. Any parents or carers wishing to exercise their right to withdraw their child(ren) from all or part of collective worship should consult the Principal.
- The Christ's College Collective Worship Policy can be found here
Religious Education (RE)
- At Christ's College, Religious Education is a part of a broad and balanced curriculum. All students receive RE in accordance with the Surrey Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education (2017-2022). This can be viewed here.
- You can find details about the RE that is taught in the Lower School (Years 7 - 9) and the Upper School (Years 10 - 11) here .
- Our Religious Education Statement of Intent can be found here.
- We expect all students to experience the full breadth of our curriculum, but should parents or carers wish to exercise the right of withdrawal for all or part of RE, they should consult the Principal.