Special Educational Needs & Disability
We aim to identify early those students who have Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND), in accordance with the SEND Code of Practice, in order to address any issues and help them to make good progress. The needs of these students are met through individual programmes of work and differentiated tasks in class planned by class teachers, the Special Educational Needs & Disability Co-ordinator and outside agencies. Students at Christ’s College are supported to make progress through the early identification and evaluation of effective provision.
Each student in the school is unique and teachers plan their lessons to cater for all the abilities in the classroom. Any young person can experience difficulty with a specific area of learning at some time in their school life and they may need a Learner Support Plan (LSP)
Some students may need the support of the outside agencies e.g. educational psychologist or behaviour support specialists. Christ’s College works closely with outside agencies to modify resources and provide additional adult support or equipment as needed to give student the best possible access to learning.
We are proud of the high level of success we have had in helping students with a wide range of difficulties to achieve their personal targets and make significant progress. Progress is seen in their academic achievements and also in their development of life skills and independence.
We make maximum use of funding for children with special needs, providing the resources needed to support children in lessons or in small groups for skills practice. Learner Support Plans are produced, identifying specific targets and planned interventions to help students overcome any obstacles which could hinder learning or participation and we encourage students to be involved in this process. We work closely with parents of all students based on trust, understanding and open communication.
There are three key layers, or elements of support that we can offer at Christ’s College. These are referred to as Waves. A description of each and its development within College is shown below.
Wave 1 is quality first teaching, whereby teachers are aware of the needs of all the students in their class and plan and address these through their teaching. Teaching is adapted to different learning styles and work is differentiated appropriately to match the needs of ALL the students.
Wave 2 is specific, additional and time-limited intervention provided for some students who need help to accelerate their progress, to enable them to work at or above age-related or targeted expectations. Wave 2 interventions are often targeted at a group of students with similar needs. It is not expected that these interventions will last a whole year, they are to support and accelerate learners for a given time period. Interventions and their success are evaluated each half term.
Wave 3 is targeted provision for a minority of students where it is necessary to provide highly tailored intervention to accelerate progress or enable students to achieve their potential. This may include one to one or specialist interventions and often involves multi agency support.
The SEND team is lead by:
Mrs J Fodor | Special Education Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCO) | Email : jfodor@christscollege.surrey.sch.uk |
If you would like more information, or to discuss any issue relating to special education needs provision at Christ's College, please contact Mrs J Fodor.
Click here for our:
- Special Education Needs & Disability (SEND) Policy
- Special Education Needs Information Report 2021-22
- Accessibility Plan
For information on Surrey's Local SEND Offer, click here
For information from the UK Government about Special Education Needs and Disability click here
Appeer Community Interest Company was set up to benefit autistic girls and women and those around them (including their families and professionals). We offer peer group activities and social interest-based sessions for autistic girls and young women and support and expert talks for their parents/carers. Click here to access the Appeer March 2021: Information Flyer for Schools & Families