
Library - Reading & Literacy

The library and Learning Resource Centre at Christ's College is an open and friendly space and it has strong links with the English Department, supporting activities for reading and literacy as well as EAL and SEN readers on a regular basis.

The library is open at lunchtime and breaktime for reading, board games, research and borrowing books. On the shelves are around 10,500 fiction and non-fiction books covering a wide variety of genres and curriculum-related topics. Students can borrow books as soon as they join the College.

The library is run by our Librarian together with the help of student librarians. During opening times, students are encouraged to read quietly and choose challenging texts that suit their interests. Some periodicals, comics and newspapers are available to keep reading current and relevant.


Mrs S Masterton - Librarian


myON On-line Library / Accelerated Reader

All  Year 7 - 9 students also have access to an online library called myON where they can read a variety of non-fiction books by logging into their  myON account via their Chromebooks.   After finishing a book, students are encouraged to fill out a quiz online in a programme called Accelerated Reader.

At school Accelerated Reader (AR) is used to manage and monitor students independent reading practice: every student in Years 7, 8 and 9 has their own login for the programme. It is designed to literally accelerate reading ability by pointing a student towards books they enjoy which are within their reading range (called ZPD). A simple quiz is then taken after reading the book, to check understanding of the text.

At the start of the year, students in Years 7, 8 and 9 took their Star Reading assessment.  This assessment identified each student's ZPD range. In the library all books are labelled with a ZPD or students can, on their Chromebooks, search for a specific book in the AR book finder website. Students are encouraged to always find books which are both within their ZPD range and of personal interest. AR gives both students and teachers feedback based on the quiz results and ensures time spent reading is time well spent!


How You Can Help

To help us keep our shelves up-to-date, a wish list is available to parents on Amazon. Any books donated from this wish list are specifically chosen to engage our young people in reading and to help develop their vocabulary in preparation for their studies across the curriculum.

Christ's College Guildford Amazon book wish list 


Library Opening Times 

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Before School   7.45am - 8.20am 7.45am - 8.20am    7.45am - 8.20am
Break 10.20am - 10.40am 10.20am - 10.40am 10.20am - 10.40am 10.20am - 10.40am 10.20am - 10.40am
Lunch 1.20pm - 1.55pm 1.20pm - 1.55pm 1.20pm -  1.55pm 1.20pm - 1.55pm 1.20pm - 1.55pm

Students can choose and return books as well as do their homework during library opening times.

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