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Donating to our School
The College Development Fund
Like many schools, we operate a charitable Development Fund.
Regular donations make a lasting impact on our School and our students, and allows us to focus on the short-term urgent needs of the School. Over time we have raised enough funds to replace one of our minibuses and we are now focused on our outside space, with plans to building a new all-weather shelter so that our students could enjoy the school site throughout the year.
As we are a Google school there is a need for every child in our community to be able to have access to a suitable device we use this fund to assist families with funding a Chromebook. Regardless of family circumstances, if every child could have a Chromebook to support their education, we know that we could significantly improve their life chances, both immediately and in their futures.
If you are able to support the school by making a regular financial contribution it would be much appreciated and will directly benefit the students. Any donation is entirely voluntary, and even £5 per month from those who can afford it, would make a huge difference.
If you or your businesses are able to contribute to our fund, one-off payments can be made by electronic transfer, regular standing order, cheque (payable to Christ’s College Development Fund) or cash. For non-electronic payments, please post your donation to the school, for the attention of the Finance Officer, clearly marked for the Development Fund.
If you are a UK tax payer please also complete the Gift Aid Declaration below and return to the Finance Office bursar@christscollege.surrey.sch.uk which means that your money will go further.
If you would like to set up a standing order to the Development Fund using on-line banking the details are:
Account name: TGST Christ’s College Development Fund
Sort code: 30-93-74
Account number: 63042060
Reference: DCF2023/4
Thank you for any support you can give our students.
Registered in England and Wales registration no 1037898