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What To Expect In Year 7
Our Year 7 students all benefit from starting life at Christ's College in the Larch Building, with their own dedicated classrooms and outdoor space, to help them feel more confident about the transition from primary to secondary school. With less movement around the whole campus, it helps them to quickly form strong bonds within their year group.
In this video Mr Grundy discusses the College Core Values; Service, Respect, Stewardship, Co-operation and Love. What do these values mean and how we live by them on a daily basis in College.
Students have most of their classes in the Larch Building, with some subjects such as Design & Technology, Food & Nutrition, Science, and PE lessons in the main building.
Lunch takes place in the main Atrium, with the year groups sitting together to eat for 20 minutes, followed by play time.
Students will be in tutor groups and streamed classes fo their subjects.
Our Future Choices Programme begins in Year 7 where students start to engage with a variety of topics ranging from transition, and looking at the challenges secondary school brings, whilst also starting to explore our careers programme.
Formal assessments are an essential part of school life and take place 3 times per year.
Students learn with Chromebooks: lessons and homework are all set - and marked- via Google Classroom, whilst exercise books are still used for some writing, to ensure that the art of handwriting is never lost.
Chromebooks for Learning Scheme
Find out in the video below from Mrs Starr how we teach lessons at Christ's College, how you will learn including what subjects you will be studying, and what a Year 7 timetable looks like and how to understand it.
The well-being of all our students is paramount, and in school we work hard to develop self-esteem, well-being and resilience of all our students, so that they can make positive contributions to society.
Beyond the usual subject classrooms, students are able to access our tutor time programmes, year group assemblies, external counsellors, and mentors, internal safeguarding staff, the youth worker team, as well as a mental health first-aider for the students on site each day. We also invite other professionals on-site to work with students for more specific reasons.
We have high expectations of all students' conduct both at school and in the wider community.
We take safeguarding and pastoral care seriously: our Year 7 transitions team includes the Designated Safeguarding Lead and Deputy, Home School Link Worker and a member of this team is available everyday for students.
Students with additional needs are supported by our experienced SEN department and we work with our local Primary schools on transition as well as with external agencies.
Mr Kennedy discusses in this video Pastoral Support at Christ's College, including how your Tutor works with Progress Leaders to deliver the Well-being Curriculum, monitor your learning across all subjects as well as your achievements, and link with other key support staff including for SEND.
Each student is allocated into a college house in which they will remain for the rest of their time at Christ's College. Students can earn house points by following our core values in their learning and whilst attending clubs. We run over 40 free extra-curricular clubs each week, including breakfast club.
In this video Mr Kennedy talks about our four College Houses (Austen, Redgrave, Turner and Sibley) and inter-house competitions plus the huge number of extra-curricular opportunities available to students.