
Vision, Ethos & Values

Christ’s College serves our Community.

We provide a fully inclusive education that enables all to flourish and reach their God given potential.

We do this by living our values and serving each other with humility and love, for the greater good of all. ‘For the Son of man himself came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many, Mark 10:45’

Our shared Christian values of Love, Co-operation, Stewardship, Respect and Service are the core of what we are about and therefore they permeate all the work that happens, whether that is inside or out of our classroom. Students are encouraged to recognise the importance of education in their own fulfilment as individuals.


We show we love God and our neighbour by ‘treating others as we ourselves would like to be treated’ and paying goodness forward with acts of kindness and charity. The love we have and can show to others in the way we act. To not be mean to each other, to show generosity in how we act



We co-operate with God and each other to build community and a sense of pride in belonging; within our college, our neighbourhood, and in our world. We co-operate by ‘living simply, sustainably, and in solidarity’ with all members of the human family and especially those who are poor.



We are accountable to God and each other. We show we ‘love God and our neighbour as ourselves’ by being good stewards of our gifts, talents and resources. We believe it is our duty to support everyone to reach their full potential in sustainable communities and a world which is protected for future generations.

To look after what has been entrusted to us.


We welcome and show respect for the dignity and diversity of every person. It is our belief that 'Every Child and everyone Matters' to God because we are created in 'His image and likeness'.



We have faith in God and each other and act with integrity. We show honourable purpose in all we do when serving others as well as ourselves, taking responsibility for our actions by being reliable, honest, respectful, trust-worth and telling the truth.



At Christ's College we:

  • Provide a happy, safe and inclusive college that values each individual and promotes respect and consideration for others.
  • Drive academic excellence in a supportive environment by providing high standards of teaching that enables effective learning.
  • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of all students and helps everyone to achieve their best.
  • Encourage and challenge all students to develop their independence, self-esteem and ambitions to flourish.
  • Equip students for life, developing them culturally, morally and spiritually.
  • Grow our students into confident and responsible citizens of the future.
  • Motivate and celebrate our students' achievements and reward their hard work.


Christ's College Values and Fundamental British Values

All schools must have a clear strategy for embedding the Fundamental British Values. At Christ’s College we promote these through our Core and Faith values. An outline of how we, as a faith school, believe these values look can be found below. 

Our Core Values of Love, Co-operation, Stewardship, Respect and Service are reflected in all we do in College. We believe these core values support how we educate our students' 'head and heart' 

Fundamental British Values

Christ’s College


Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for what is right

The rule of law

Blessed are the merciful

Individual liberty

Blessed are the meek


Blessed are the peacemakers
















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