

Why Do We Set Homework?


Why do we set homework?

Independent study is an integral part of the learning process at Christ's College. Students should have homework set on a regular basis that is meaningful and appropriate to their age and stage. This is recorded in Arbor with a clear and appropriate deadline.

Homework is set in order to:

· Consolidate, reinforce and extend what pupils know, understand and can do in the classroom.

· Develop the essential independent study skills that will ensure that strong academic outcomes and success are achieved by all students.

· Involve parents and carers in students’ learning.

· Encourage students to develop the skills, confidence, motivation and self-discipline needed to study effectively as independent and life-long learners.


Homework Policy 

Regularity Of Homework

The quantity of homework pupils will complete each week can vary depending on the curriculum time allocation for each subject, the age range of the pupils and the nature of the homework task. As a learning community, we believe it is essential that all homework tasks are meaningful and manageable for pupils. The emphasis is on the quality of homework rather than the quantity. As a guide students will receive 30 minutes of homework per week for English, Maths, Science and MFL in Years 7 to 9 and 30 minutes per fortnight for all of the other subjects. In Years 10 and 11 all subjects will set at least 45 minutes of homework per week.


Types Of Homework

Examples of preparation homework tasks could include reading in advance of a new topic, pre topic research work, watching an online video clip in advance of learning or preparation of pre topic questions. Examples of consolidation homework tasks could include creating mind maps or other revision tools to consolidate learning, learning of key knowledge or vocabulary for a test, answering of an examination style questions, feed forward improvement work or completion of an online test to check understanding.

School Library

The school library is open during break, lunch and after College every day. This provides a supervised and quiet space for students to complete independent study and access computers. Students must sign in with the librarian to access this resource.

Click here to find out more about our Library

Rewards And Sanctions

All homework should be completed on time and will be assessed and rewarded through the house point system which parents will be able to view on the Arbor Parent Portal.

If homework is not completed a C2 will be awarded for “no homework” and students will be expected to complete a no homework detention the following working day, for 20 minutes. If homework is not of an adequate standard, a C1 will be issued

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