

We have a statutory duty to consult on Admission Arrangements if we intend to make a change.

Please see a copy of the Trust’s draft Admission arrangements for 2022-23 which include:

Draft 2022 Admissions Policy

Draft Church Supplementary Information Form (SIF),

Draft Staff SIF 2022

Letter to Parents and Stakeholders.

Please note that the consultation period for any feedback on the policy is the 7-week period from Monday 16 November 2020 to Sunday 3 January 2021.

Please address any feedback, as part of the consultation, to the following email address: or by post to Admissions 2022-23 Consultation Response, c/o The Good Shepherd Trust, Larch Avenue, Guildford GU1 1JY.


This Policy will be also be published on the Admissions page of the Good Shepherd Trust


Please find below information from The Good Shepherd Trust in relation to an application for variation to the admissions policy for Christ’s College, Guildford.


We are writing on behalf of Christ’s College, Guildford to notify you of a proposed in-year variation to our admissions policy for the year 2021-22. This will affect admissions to Year 7 in September 2021 and beyond. The closure of churches as a result of Covid-19, has raised the difficult issue of clergy verifying an applicant's level of church attendance in order to meet the Trust’s over-subscription criteria. Clearly it will not be possible for clergy to do so in line with schools' admissions policies during the next admissions application round for the academic year 2021/22.  As a result, we are seeking an in-year variation to our over-subscription criteria, in order to remedy this and clarify the position for prospective parents.  This proposal is based on advice received from the DfE, the Church of England Education Office and the Office of the Schools Adjudicator.  Please note that this is not a formal consultation, which is not required under these circumstances.


The proposed wording for the variation, as agreed with the OSA, is as follows:

“In the event that during the period specified for attendance at worship, the church [or, in relation to those of other faiths, relevant place of worship] has been closed for public worship and has not provided alternative premises for that worship, the requirements of these [admissions] arrangements in relation to attendance, will only apply to the period when the church [or in relation to those of other faiths, relevant place of worship] or alternative premises have been available for public worship”.


All other aspects of our admissions policy remain unchanged.


If you have any queries, please contact Amanda Johnston:


Yours faithfully,


CEO of Trust – Paul Kennedy


Chair of Trustees – Simon Walker JP

Walker signature


For all admission enquiries please contact the Admission Manager, Mrs Unwin.

Telephone 01483 484511 or email

In Year Applications

Admissions Policy 2019/2020

Please refer to the Surrey admissions website where you can download an In-Year Application Form. On completion this should be sent to Mrs Unwin, Admission Manager, at the College.

Please contact Mrs Unwin for further information and a Supplementary Form if you are making an application under Criterion 2. Alternatively you can download a Supplementary Form here which can then be sent to Mrs Unwin at the College. 


Year 6 into Year 7 Admissions


Admissions Policy 2020/2021

  1. Please refer to the Surrey Admissions website and complete the Common Application Form. The Common Application Form should be completed in full and submitted to the Local Authority by the closing date of 
    31 October 2019
  2. You should also complete a Christ's College Supplementary Form and return it to Mrs Unwin at the College if you are making an application under Criterion 2 or Criterion 4. This allows us to place all our applicants in order of priority for admission using the College Admission Policy. The Christ's College Supplementary Form should be completed in full and returned to Mrs Unwin at the College by the closing date of 
    31 October 2019.
  3. You may also need to complete the Supplementary Form - Criterion 4 2020-21.
  4. The Local Education Authority will send out letters to parents by first class post on 2 March 2020 detailing the outcome of your application. If you are not offered a place at Christ's College in the first instance and wish for your child to be placed on our waiting list, please contact the Admission Manager, Mrs Unwin, as soon as possible after this date on 01483 484511 or via email.


Admissions Policy 2021 - 2022

Christ's College Supplementary Form

Supplementary Form - Criterion 4 2021-2022


Parents whose application for a place at the College is unsuccessful have the right of appeal against the Governors’ decision not to offer a place.  If you wish to lodge an appeal please email the Surrey Schools Appeals Service on or call  020 8541 8092 to request appeal papers. Students who gain places on appeal increase the size of the relevant year group at the College. They do not deprive other children of places which have already been allocated.

In year or immediate entry appeals
Appeals resulting from in year admission applications will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.


Appeals for September 2020 resulting from year of entry or transfer applications: 


School Offer Appeals lodged by Appeals to be heard by
  Secondary   2 March 2020    


NB: Appeals will not start being heard until after the relevant closing date has passed.

Appeals lodged after these dates will be heard within 40 school days of the appeal deadline or 30 school days of being lodged, whichever is the later date.

Appellants will be sent notification of their appeal hearing at least 10 clear school days in advance of the hearing. Appellants will be sent a copy of the school's case 7 clear working days in advance of the hearing.

Appellants must ensure that any further evidence not included with their initial appeal, is received by 5pm on the day preceding three clear working days prior to the appeal hearing date. Any additional evidence or information received after this date might not be considered at the appeal hearing.


Page Downloads Date  
CCG 2021 Admissions Policy determined 16th Jul 2020 Download
Proposed changes to CCG Church SIF 2021 16th Jul 2020 Download
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